Manger durable

Que mettre dans son assiette pour manger « durable » ?

Publication by Maïmouna Yokessa and Stephan Marette: "Que mettre dans son assiette pour manger « durable » ?" in the french edition of The Conversation

Beyond the stakes for our health, the food which we consume also has an impact on the health of the planet; indicators underlined these last years a degradation of the environment and the attributable biodiversity with certain agricultural practices and certain modes of consumption.

Yokessa, M. ; Marette, S.    
Que mettre dans son assiette pour manger « durable » ?
in : The Conversation (french edition), 2018

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 26 October 2017 | By: Régis Grateau